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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

SNOWMOBILE SAFETY,taking a curve

While we are waiting to go snowmobiling, we got time to think about how we might have a safer riding season.
Curves are one of the most dangerous places on the trail. When entering a curve, slow down and cut across the curve through the woods, WITH YOUR EYES. Look far ahead through the curve at the exit, looking for the curve to become a straight away..
Looking for the exit of the curve may be difficult because of trees, hills and how sharp the curve is. But don't fix your eyes on the entrance or the center of the curve. Keep your eyes moving. As your sled moves, the exit of the curve moves ahead too, until it becomes a straight line. Keep looking ahead in the curve at the farthest point..
Slowing before the curve also gives you more time to look and sets your sled up to make the curve at a safer speed. SLOW, LOOK, AND KEEP TO YOUR SIDE OF THE TRAIL


mike j said...


Anonymous said...

I really don't think its a good idea to cut across the curve through the woods. I agree that you should try to look through the curve and identify opposing traffic. You should always stay on your (right) side of the trail when entering or exiting the curve. It is a deadly decision to take the inside corner and plug up the opposing traffic's lane. Make good decisions: don't drink and drive, don't race on the trail, and most of all don't drive any faster than you can safely go.

mike j said...

You said" I really don't think its a good idea to cut across the curve through the woods." IN BOLD PRINT IT STATED "WITH YOUR EYES" Just a pun to get ya to look ahead. Riding safe is a full time job. Thanks for your input