Posting Topics

Anyone and everyone is welcome to make comments on any discussion within our Group. If you would like to open a discussion or Post a topic, you will need to have a login and password. To comment on an existing post, just click on comments below the posted topic. This will pop up a window for you to add your comments.

To request a password, please email your name, affiliation, and email address to We will send you an invitation to join the group. Please allow 24 - 48 hours for your login to be setup.

Thank you

PS. Anyone using inappropriate language will be banned from the site.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Monthly Meeting Tuesday 12 Feb

Come out for some fun this Tuesday at 6pm at the Cedar Log on 9 mile and Mackinaw Trail. There will be the usual meeting agenda along with some time to socialize. Ride your sled and come have a great time! If your interested in joining the club, come on out and meet the people that make everthing happen in the area, we would love to have ya!

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