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Monday, January 28, 2008


FEB. 14, 2009 and MARCH 14, 2009
South of Sault Ste Marie on Trail #49 and 6 mile
10 am till 4 pm
The Sault Ste Marie Snowmobile Assoc hosts a snowmobile radar run usually two times a year. It gives a sledder a opportunity to see how fast their sled really goes.
You are probably saying to yourself " my snowmobile has a speedometer", and you're right. But it may not be accurate and the spinning track may give a false reading of your speed. So you can bring your sled to a radar run, to really check your speed. And you can check your speed against other sleds in your class!!!
So here is how it works. When you show up to run your sled, you have to register in the tent. There you will sign a waiver, be put in a class by the number of CC's and the stroke ( 2 or 4) and pay a small fee to run your sled against the radar, usually $3.00. A small amount for so much fun. You can run your sled as many time as you want, each time for $3.00.
WHY MORE THAN ONCE. Well you see, after you run against the radar gun, another sled in your class may run a faster speed. The macho man or woman you are, wants to try to top that speed. And it goes on and on till someone gives up. Some keep trying even though there is no one in their class , just to see if they can top their own speed. And it really get interesting when a small CC sled goes faster than a bigger CC sled.
After each run, the speed is posted and you can keep your speed card for a souvenir or leave it posted so everyone can see. The length of the run is about 1000 feet and speeds run from 40 to 80 mph or more .
You always run the radar by yourself, never another sled along side or racing against you. Wear a tether switch, or know where your safety stop switch is located and how to use it. Make sure your sled is in good working order, especially the drive belt, brakes , track and idler wheels. And it shouldn't have to be said, but wear a helmet , face shield and gloves.
So you say " I don't have a fast sled". You don't have to be fast, just have fun. We post the slowest sled too!!
We will have some food and hot cocoa in the tent, so you can stay a while to watch all the fun.
Go to our calendar section on for more info. on dates and times.


Anonymous said...

looking for results from radar run

Anonymous said...

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!